King's Feast is an annual event to honor the legacy of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., and is organized by the School of Dentistry and the school's chapter of the Student National Dental Association. Each year the event is centered around a theme, and the 2024 event was centered on one of MLK’s famous aspirations: “Transforming the Jangling Discords of Our Nation into a Beautiful Symphony”.

School of Dentistry students were able to perform poems, speeches, and musical performances during the program, and attendees were also able to hear from keynote speaker Dr. Todd Ester, Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at the School of Dentistry.

Student National Dental Association Vice President and School of Dentistry student James Bennett III hopes that more people are able to attend for future events.

“I would love for King's Feast to go more university wide and just making it more accessible and open to students in various colleges and schools, making people feel like, oh, I don't have to be a dental student or have to do anything dental or medical related to celebrate diversity, to celebrate inclusion, you know, to celebrate equality and the legacy that Dr. Martin Luther King had on our society today” says James.